Sum Good Guides

  • Will (He/Him/His)

    Founder & Guide

    Guiding: 6 years

    Favorite Tour: Comfort Food (it’s secretly chocolate)

    Most Personally Exotic Food Tasted: Goat Brain Soup

    What’s In: Fanny Packs

    What’s Out: Internet Prank Videos

  • Jade (She/Her/Hers)

    Tour Guide

    Guiding: 1.5 Years

    Favorite Tour Food: Turkish Delight’s Lentil Soup

    Favorite Activities Outside of Touring: Lots of crafting and finding new restaurants to try

    Fun Fact: Jade is a pastry chef when not leading tours and love testing new recipes

  • Ivy (She/Her/Hers)

    Tour Guide

    Guiding: 1.5 Years

    Favorite Tour Food/ Drink: Champurrado

    Dream Tour to Guide: Chocolate tour by kayak in the bioluminescent waters of Australia

    Favorite Activities Outside of Tours: Outdoor Activities, Cooking, Dog Spotting, and Dancing

Sum Good Creators

  • Rowan (She/Her/They/Them)

    Media Production

    Photography: 6 Years

    Hobbies: Crochet, Puzzles, Reading, and Exploring

    Most Personally Exotic Food Tasted: Alligator Jerky

    Goal in the Next Five Years: To travel outside of the United States in a way that has a positive impact on other people and themselves

Love educating people and helping them explore our city through food based experiences? Consider joining the Sum Good Team!

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